Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sea Breams controversy

Trading in Sea breams, one has to be very careful. If you have no experience then you are bound to have problems when you sell it. In Indonesia they call it Kuniran. Some clients wants single glazing while some may require double glazing. Glazing means soak the frozen fish in cold water and you will see an added layer of glassy covering on the fish for protection against damages during handling. Double glazing... well probably to cheat on some added water weight to the fish hehe...
Now there is another thing about sea breams is the yellow stripes. As you can see in the picture, the fishes have some yellow stripes on the body and some sea breams do not have stripes. And when the yellow stripes reaches their heads, they are the best and most favoured. The difference in prices could be as high as 50% difference.

And all sea bream traders uses the same code KK, K , KP.
I don't know what they mean but I know KK means the yellow stripes reaches the fish's head while K means the body has yellow stripes and KP means no stripes at all..
Rather complicated isn't it hehehe.


Unknown said...

can you get sea breams in england? also do all fish get treated with Double Glazing before they're transported? I've never seen them in the supermarket, or in a resturant - but I love sea food. I'd definately be keen to try!

Qsecofr/idolhunter said...

well I don't really know if you can find such species in England.. but there are many species of sea breams and these are from Indonesian waters and most of them are exported to China & Japan for they fetch the best prices over there.. while those poorer grades breams are used for surimi processing.

Unknown said...

the glazing is used for better storage conditions and as you sad for damages during handling. Double glazing is just to double check this and furthermore to protect the fish from drying = loosing water from the muscle. If the fish looses his water he will taste like a bounchy ball and dry. The double glazing is used as well to minimum the oxygen to the muscle and then in the same time protect the muscle from growing rancid :)

greetings from iceland